Category Archives: Meeting

Readiness review for open-use was held

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PFS project had a very important meeting on 9th and 10th July 2024 (HST); the readiness review meeting to start open use in the S25A semester of Subaru Telescope. Programs for S25A, which starts from 2025 February, are called a half year beforehand, namely, 2024 August. Envisioning the call-for in one month, we had a meeting to review the PFS… Read more »

PFS science working group co-chair meeting at Tufts University

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The PFS project is in its final stage of hardware delivery and approaching such a critical phase as the start of scientific operation. Under this circumstance, a meeting of the science working groups took place at Tufts University near Boston, USA from August 30 to September 1, 2023. In this meeting, the representatives (co-chairs) from each working group shared the… Read more »

PFS Science meeting was held.

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In parallel to the instrument development, the PFS project has been developing hard the science using it. We had the PFS science meeting in early March 2023 at Kavli IPMU (Japan), in the hybrid format with zoom. The PFS science team has been developing a huge survey plan to observe enormous numbers of galaxies and stars in order to study… Read more »

PFS presentations at the international conference SPIE

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There was an international conference called “SPIE 2022 Astronomical telescope + Instrumentation” from 17 to 22 July 2022 in Montreal, Canada. People working for research institutes and companies in the world which relate with the telescope and astronomical instruments participate in this meeting, and exchange information and do networking. SPIE conference is held every other year. The last one (in… Read more »

13th PFS collaboration meeting

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Since the project launched, we have had collaboration meetings rather annually. We had the 13th collaboration meeting from 22nd to 24th March 2022. Due to the COVID situation, we meeting was held online using the platforms Zoom and Gather Town as we did in the last year. As PFS participant institutes are from all over the world, the meeting time,… Read more »

PFS on-line collaboration meeting

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We had a collaboration meeting using the Zoom online meeting system on 16 and 17 September 2020. About 160 people participated in the meeting: colleagues from the PFS participant institutions, as well as Japanese researchers who are interested in the PF project. Since the PFS participant institutions locate in 6 countries (in 8 time zone), some had the meeting late… Read more »

11th PFS collaboration meeting at Caltech

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The annual PFS collaboration meeting was held from 9 to 13 December 2019 at California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Here is a brief report by a young researcher who participated in the meeting. The collaboration meeting is a good opportunity for us to exchange scientific ideas. It is important to learn the status of instrumentation and scientific goals/objectives from other… Read more »

PFS Science Meeting at Columbia University

PFS Science Meeting was held at Columbia University in New York, USA from October 4 to 7, 2019. PFS Science Team conducts a meeting in which we intensively discuss what kind of observations should be made in the large survey observation using PFS about once a year (see our post for the last year’s meeting). In this meeting, technical topics… Read more »

10th PFS Collaboration Meeting

From 10th to 14th December 2018, we held 10th PFS collaboration meeting at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. Usually, individual groups for developing instruments and designing observational survey have discussions via regular video/phone meetings and  sometimes by visiting each other. This meeting, on the other hand, is the biggest for the whole collaboration to gather up for discussions. About 80… Read more »

PFS Science Working Group Meeting at Princeton University

The PFS Science Team has established a working group for each scientific objective and has vigorously discussed what interesting science cases are to exploit the strengths of PFS and how we optimize the survey observation accordingly (visit our past post and our official web site for more details about science objectives of the project). Based on these discussions we have developed an… Read more »