Readiness review for open-use was held

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PFS project had a very important meeting on 9th and 10th July 2024 (HST); the readiness review meeting to start open use in the S25A semester of Subaru Telescope. Programs for S25A, which starts from 2025 February, are called a half year beforehand, namely, 2024 August. Envisioning the call-for in one month, we had a meeting to review the PFS readiness for scientific use in various aspects.

On the first day, after PFS and status were overviewed, the framework of PFS open use was discussed; how observers are supposed to submit their proposal and targets, how we carry out observation efficiently by utilizing PFS’s uniqueness of wide field and multiplexity, and .how we assess data quality. Besides, we discussed development status of software to process the observed images, and distribution of observed data. For each items, it was discussed whether required policies and tools have been developed enough, and whether there are any missing items.

On the second day, discussion was focused on instrument operation itself. Daytime and nighttime operation were reviewed as well as the observatory infrastructure to operate PFS. We also discussed instrument performance, maintenance and safety for operation and maintenance.

Both days were very productive with many questions and discussions among participants. We are continuing preparations based on questions and comments during the review, waiting the review result.