Metrology Camera System to measure the positions of the fibers on the Subaru prime focus is being developed by ASIAA (Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics) , in Taiwan. After the success of the critical design review in 2015, the parts production and system integration are progressing, and all the mechanical parts have been manufactured. The photo below shows some of them. The parts are blackened to minimize stray light.
(manufactured mechanical parts)
Also, the 380mm-diameter primary mirror has been integrated with the supporting structure.
(primary mirror with support structure)
The camera system takes the images of all the ~2400 fibers in one exposure and measures their positions accurately, for which an exquisite image quality is required uniformly over the large area at the prime focus. To validate this requirement, a test setup with a precision pin-hole array has been designed and is now in the process of integration.
(Left: test set up. Right: pinhole array)
The development and test of the Metrology Camera System will be completed in a few months. Given this status, a meeting was held for two days on Feb 14 and 15 and the staffs of ASIAA, Subaru Telescope observatory, and PFS project office discussed preparations for a pre-shipment review. We will continue to work for the shipment, and once the review (provisionally scheduled in September) is successful, then the camera system will be the first PFS instrument subsystem to arrive at Subaru by the end of this year.