List of publications related on PFS
Science (Survey plans)
Masahiro Takada, "Extragalactic science, cosmology, and Galactic archaeology with the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph", PASJ 66, R (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.CO]
Masashi Chiba, "Galactic Archaeology with the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph", IAUS 317 (2016) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Hillary L. Child, "Bispectrum as baryon acoustic oscillation interferometer", PhRvD 98, 123521 (2018) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.CO]
Benjamin Horowitz, "TARDIS. I. A Constrained Reconstruction Approach to Modeling the z ~ 2.5 Cosmic Web Probed by Lyalpha Forest Tomography", ApJ 887, 61 (2019) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.CO]
Melanie Habouzit, "Properties of simulated galaxies and supermassive black holes in cosmic voids", MNRAS 493, 899 (2020) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.GA]
Tomomi Sunayama, "Mitigating the impact of fiber assignment on clustering measurements from deep galaxy redshift surveys", JCAP 06, 057 (2020) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.CO]
Zhou Fan, "Detecting the dark matter halos with star clusters in M31/M33 with PFS, SDSS-V and LAMOST", IAUS 351, 105 (2020) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Hongyu Gao, "Universal Conditional Distribution Function of [O II] Luminosity of Galaxies, and Prediction for the [O II] Luminosity Function at Redshift z < 3", ApJ 908, 43 (2021) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.GA]
Kentaro Nagamine, "Probing Feedback via IGM tomography and Ly α forest with Subaru PFS, TMT/ELT, & JWST", ApJ Volume 914, Issue 1, 66 (2021) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.GA]
Ryu Makiya, "Ray-tracing log-normal simulation for weak gravitational lensing: application to the cross-correlation with galaxies", JCAP Volume 2021, Issue 03, 095 (2021) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.CO]
Jingjing Shi, "Power Spectrum of Intrinsic Alignments of Galaxies in IllustrisTNG", JCAP Volume 2021, Issue 03, 030 (2021) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.GA]
Alan N. Pearl et al., "CLIMBER: Galaxy-Halo Connection Constraints from Next-generation Surveys", ApJ 925, 180 (2022) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv ]
Ryu Makiya, Tomomi Sunayama, "Mitigating the impact of fiber assignment on the measurement of galaxy-lensing cross correlation", JCAP Volume 2022, Issue 03, 08 (2022) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv ]
Jenny Greene et al., "The Prime Focus Spectrograph Galaxy Evolution Survey", arXiv e-prints arXiv:2206.14908 (2022) [ ADS, Abs | PDF in arXiv ]
Teppei Okumura, Atsushi Taruya, "Tightening geometric and dynamical constraints on dark energy and gravity: Galaxy clustering, intrinsic alignment, and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect", PhRvD 106, 043523 (2022) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv ]
Alain Schmitt, "AMAZED: Algorithm for Massive Automated Z Evaluation and Determination", ASPC 521, 398 (2019) [ ADS, ]
Brent Belland, "Focal Ratio Degradation for Fiber Positioner Operation in Astronomical Spectrographs", JAI 8, 1950007 (2019) [ ADS, DOI, ]
SPIE 2024
Instrument overview
Individual systems
Shiang-Yu Wang et al., "Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for Subaru Telescope: the optimization of convergence for Cobra positioners", SPIE 13096, 130962N (2024) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Fabrice Madec et al., "Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for Subaru Telescope: spectrograph system final integration and performance at LAM and Subaru", SPIE 13096, 130962P (2024) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Kjetil Dohlen et al., "Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for Subaru Telescope: recovery of the VPHG efficiency", SPIE 13096, 130962K (2024) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Julien Rousselle et al., "Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for Subaru Telescope: integration and test of the last spectrograph modules", SPIE 13096, 130962L (2024) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Shintaro Koshida et al., "Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for Subaru Telescope: performance verification of the science-grade fiber optics cable", SPIE 13096, 130962O (2024) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Kota Hayashi et al., "Prime focus spectrograph (PFS) for Subaru Telescope: modeling of the 2D point spread function using commissioning data", SPIE 13096, 130969R (2024) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Wanqiu He et al., "Prime focus spectrograph (PFS) for Subaru Telescope: the algorithm to optimize pointing centers for open-use programs", SPIE 13096, 130966T (2024) [ ADS, DOI, ]
SPIE 2022
Instrument overview
Individual systems
Shiang-Yu Wang et al., "Prime focus spectrograph (PFS) for the Subaru Telescope: the prime focus instrument", SPIE 12184, 121846R (2022) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Stephen A. Smee et al., "Performance of the near-infrared camera for the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph", SPIE 12184, 121847L (2022) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Antonio Cesar de Oliveira et al., "Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS): fiber optical cable and connector system (FOCCoS) - integration", SPIE 12184, 1218474 (2022) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Antonio Cesar de Oliveira et al., "Subaru Night-Sky Spectrograph (SuNSS): fiber cable construction", SPIE 12184, 1218472 (2022) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Neven Capler et al., "Prime focus spectrograph (PFS) for the Subaru Telescope: 2D modeling of the point spread function", SPIE 12184, 1218470 (2022) [ ADS, DOI, ]
SPIE 2020
Individual systems
SPIE 2018
Instrument overview
Prime Focus Instrument
Chi-Hung Yan, "Software development of fiber positioning sequencer for prime focus spectrograph of Subaru telescope", SPIE 10707 (2018) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Yoko Tanaka, "Alignment of wide field corrector against the primary mirror optical axis by spot images on auto guide cameras for prime focus spectrograph of Subaru Telescope", SPIE 10704 (2018) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Fiber System
Antonio Cesar de Oliveira, "Permanent optical fiber cable for Prime Focus Spectrograph and Subaru telescope "Cable B"", SPIE 10702 (2018) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Antonio Cesar de Oliveira, "FRD characterization in large-scale for FOCCoS of Prime Focus Spectrograph for Subaru telescope", SPIE 10702 (2018) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Metrology Camera System
SPIE 2017
- Fiber System
- Graham Murray, "An optimal method for producing low-stress fibre optic cables for astronomy", SPIE 10401 (2017) [ DOI, ]
SPIE 2016
Instrument overview
Fabrice Madec, "SUBARU prime focus spectrograph: integration, testing and performance for the first spectrograph", SPIE 9908 (2016) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Stephen A. Smee, "Visible camera cryostat design and performance for the SuMIRe Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS)", SPIE 9908 (2016) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
James E. Gunn, "Detector and control system design and performance for the SuMIRe prime focus spectrograph (PFS) cameras", SPIE 9908 (2016) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Murdock Hart, "A novel reflectometer for relative reflectance measurements of CCDs", SPIE 9915 (2016) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Prime Focus Instrument
Metrology Camera System
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems
- Hajime Sugai, "Prime Focus Spectrograph for the Subaru telescope: massively multiplexed optical and near-infrared fiber spectrograph", JATIS 1(3) 035001 (2015) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
SPIE 2014
Instrument overview
Fiber system
Antonio Cesar de Oliveria, "Fiber optical cable and connector system (FOCCoS) for PFS/Subaru", SPIE 9151 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
J. B. dos Santos, "Studying focal ratio degradation of optical fibers for Subaru's Prime Focus Spectrograph", SPIE 9151 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Antonio Cesar de Oliveria, "Slit device for FOCCoS-PFS-Subaru", SPIE 9151 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Antonio Cesar de Oliveria, "Polish device for FOCCoS/PFS slit system", SPIE 9151 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Antonio Cesar de Oliveria, "Multi-fibers connectors systems for FOCCoS-PFS-Subaru", SPIE 9151 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Fiber positioner
Metrology camera
Sebastien Vives, "Current status of the spectrograph system for the SuMIRe/PFS", SPIE 9147 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Sandrine Pascal, "Optical design of the SuMIRe/PFS spectrograph", SPIE 9147 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Fabrice Madec, "Integration and test activities for the SUMIRE prime focus spectrograph at LAM", SPIE 9147 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, ]
Robert H. Barkhouser, "Volume phase holographic gratings for the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph: performance measurements of the prototype grating set", SPIE 9147 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Steve A. Smee, "The near infrared camera for the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph", SPIE 9147 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Dewar & Detector
Murdock Hart, "Focal plane alignment and detector characterization for the Subaru prime focus spectrograph", SPIE 9154 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Steve C. Hope, "CCD readout electronics for the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph", SPIE 9154 (2014) [ ADS, DOI, Abs | PDF in arXiv astro-ph.IM]
Steve Hope, "Cryocooler vibration damping for the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph", SPIE 9154 (2014) [ ]
SPIE 2012
Instrument overview
Fiber system
Fiber positioner
Metrology camera
Dewar & Detector
Hitoshi Murayama, "The Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph", 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly E1.1-19-18 (2018) [ ADS, ]
Naoyuki Tamura, "Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS): A Very Wide-Field, Massively Multi-Object, Optical and Near-Infrared Fiber-Fed Spectrograph on the Subaru Telescope", ASP Conference Series 507, 387 (2016) [ ADS, ]
Naoyuki Tamura, "Prime Focus Spectrograph: A very wide-field, massively multiplexed, optical & near-infrared spectrograph for Subaru Telescope", IAU Symposium 319, 55 (2016) [ ADS, DOI, ]
田村直之,『主焦点超広視野ファイバー多天体分光装置 Prime Focus Spectrograph(PFS)』, 国立天文台ニュース2016 年7月号
- 田村直之,『すばる超広視野主焦点多天体分光器で宇宙空間を測る』,OplusE 2016 年 7 月号
- 高田昌広, 高遠徳尚 ,『ダークエネルギー・ダークマターの性質を探求する超広視野主焦点多天体分光装置(PFS)』, 国立天文台ニュース2020年11月号
- "Going to extremes to study stars from Earth"Asia Research News 2022 (2022年3月8公開)
- 『2024年に大注目の科学は? 物理学者 村山斉さんに聞く』 NHK サイカルジャーナル 2024年1月13日