6th PFS collaboration meeting

  1. Date:
    • General collaboration meeting: 15 and 16 December 2014
    • Break-out sessions: 17, 18 and 19 December 2014
  2. Venue: ASIAA, Taiwan


Monday, 15 December

Time Name Title
8:30 (Coffee/tea)
9:00 Tamura (IPMU), Wang (ASIAA) Announcements from organizers
9:10 Chu (ASIAA) Opening remark & an introduction of ASIAA
Updates from the technical team
9:30 Tamura (Kavli IPMU) Overview of technical updates & system aspects
10:20 Fisher (JPL) Fiber positioner system
10:50 (Coffee/tea)
11:00 Wang (ASIAA) PFI
11:30 Wang (ASIAA) Metrology camera system
11:50 Takada (Kavli IPMU) HSC updates
12:05 (Lunch)
(Conference photo)
13:30 Tamura (Kavli IPMU) Reports from the project
14:30 Arimoto (Subaru) Comments from NAOJ/Subaru
14:50 Komatsu (MPA) Comments from MPA
15:10 (Coffee/tea)
Updates from the science team:
Discussions and updates of survey plans, activities & plans towards SSP proposal,
impacts of deferred plan, etc
15:30 Ellis (Caltech) Overview
  • Competition with other surveys (DESI, 4MOST, ...)
  • Feasibilities/challenges of SSP program
  • Synergy with future programs (TMT, Euclid, WFIRST, ...)
16:00 Takada (IPMU) Cosmology
16:30 Chiba (Tohoku) Galactic archaeology
17:00 Spergel (Princeton) WFIRST
17:30 (End)
(Steering committee meeting)

Tuesday, 16 December

Time Name Title
8:30 (Coffee/tea)
8:55 Tamura (IPMU), Wang (ASIAA) Announcements from organizers
9:00 Murayama (Kavli IPMU/Berkeley) PFS collaboration overview
  • History & current status of collaboration
  • On-going growth and fundraising efforts
9:30 Discussion
  • Finance
  • Schedule
  • Deferred plan
  • SSP
  • Synergy with future projects
  • PFS collaboration policy
  • Updating MOU
  • Discussion items in break-up sessions
  • Comments from PO/SAC
10:30 (Coffee/tea)
10:50 Discussion -- continued
11:30 (Lunch)
(Steering committee meeting)
13:15 Greene (Princeton) Updates of galaxy evolution survey
Updates from the technical team-- Continued
13:45 Gunn (Princeton) Calibration system
14:00 Oliveira (LNA) Cable C
14:15 Oliveira (LNA) Cable B
14:30 Oliveira (LNA) Cable A
14:45 Le Mignant (LAM) Spectrograph system
15:15 Gunn (Princeton) Camera & detector system
15:40 (Coffee/tea break)
Software system
16:00 Shimono, Tamura (Kavli IPMU) Survey process
16:40 Lupton (Princeton) Data reduction(Updates from Princeton)
17:05 Tresse (LAM) Data reduction(Updates from LAM)
17:30 Iwata (Subaru) Comments on database & data archive
17:45 Tamura (Kavli IPMU), Wang (ASIAA) Announcements
  • Rooms for breakout sessions
  • Next collaboration meeting
17:55 (End)
(Steering committee meeting)
18:30 (Banquet)

Participants List