SuMIRe/PFS SpS CDR / 17 - 21 March, 2014
Day 1 (17 March 2014)
Topics |
Institute/Group |
Introduction/ System update
- FPRD/Verification Requirement Road Map update
- All budgets: status update
- Master-ICD overview: formally agree on validated
- CAD design merge
System Eng. Group with support |
Fiber Cable A
- Fiber Slit head
- Schedule
- Cover plate
Not at CDR level
- Master Schedule?
- SpS Operational Concept Document (OCD)
- Maintenance plan (low priority for now)
- AIT/Installation plan at SUBARU (low priority for now)
Day 2 (18 March 2014)
Topics |
Institute/Group |
VIS/NIR Camera Cryostats (Smee/Mirek/Carr)
- Cryostats, FPA, focus mechanism, vacuum
NIR Cameras (Smee/Gunn/Barkhouser)
- Optomechanics
- Vibration
- Thermal design (analysis of the dewar)
- Thermal background
- NIR image quality
Integration and Test (Barkhouser/Smee) : not at CDR level
- Alignment and test plans/procedures
- Verification plans
FPA Electronics and Software (Hope/Loomis) Detector Characterization (Hart) Interfaces (Gunn) : not at CDR level
- Software, Electrical, vacuum, glycol...
Updated Schedule |
- Optical design description and analysis document (Sandrine)
- Final image quality
- VPH Gratings (Barkhouser)
- Optical performance budgets?
- Update on dichroics (IPMU)
LAM / JHU / PU |
Day 3 (19 March 2014)
Topics |
Institute/Group |
Spectrograph Module design
- Collimator Mirror Assembly (thermal stability)
- Blue Disperser Assembly
- Red Disperser Assembly
- Central Optical Assembly
- VIS Camera Assembly
- Sub-assemblies
- thermal stability
- throughput
- critical specs
- Verification plan (not in details)
- Preliminary AIT plan& (inspection to image quality)
- AIT tools and how to measure image quality
- Updated schedule
- Preliminary User Manual Skeleton
- Baffling
- Optical Bench Assembly (technical specs and preliminary results)
Day 4 (20 March 2014)
Topics |
Institute/Group |
Spectrograph Module design and AIT
- Shutters
- FP Subass
- Back Illumination Assembly
- Control electronics
- AIT tools : Camera Unit AIT station
- Dummy Cable B including Internal Illumination Sources
- Shipping
- Control software - state machine and list of functions -
Day 5 (21 March 2014)
Topics |
Institute/Group |
SCR/IR4 and control system
- MHS, operation. software and network-related
- IR4, floor environment, electronics, cooling water etc
- SCR requirements and designs
IPMU/All or in smaller groups? |
- ICDs
- Detailed discussion for optical bench
- Cables specs and routes
- Control software
- Performance budgets review (as built/designed vs allocation)
- Schedule consolidation
- Costs?
- Risk & mitigation discussion