Tag Archives: Engineering run

What PFS is doing recently?

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It’s been a while since the last article, so we are going to report our activities last month. We all, both scientists and developers, were pretty busy last month. Firstly, we had two engineering observations in May 2024.The PFS project is in the final phase of development, aiming to start the scientific operation in the 2025A semester (i.e., February 2025),… Read more »

Engineering observation was carried out

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We had an engineering observation from 8th to 17th March 2024, several month after the previous observation. We carried out the on-telescope test in December 2023 to take calibration data, but this was the first time to “observe” celestial objects with four Spectrograph Modules. In fact, there were a couple major updates before this engineering observation, and we’ll show them… Read more »

Engineering observation in July 2023

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About a half-month after the second near-infrared camera was integrated, we conducted the engineering observation late July 2023. The members from Kavli IPMU, Princeton University, Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA, Taiwan) and , National Astronomical Observatory of Japan joined the observations at Subaru telescope on the Maunakea summit, in the remote observation rooms, or via zoom. Following… Read more »

We conducted Engineering Observation

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A few weeks after we integrated the first near infrared camera at the Subaru telescope, we carried out the engineering observation from 20 April to 2 May 2023. The observation took about two weeks. Over that long period, we conducted numerous tests and development. The most important achievement was that we succeeded in taking on-sky data using the near infrared… Read more »

Engineering First Light!!

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We are going to show the second milestone we achieved this month in this article.At last, we succeeded in taking stars spectra during the recent Engineering observation. That is, we achieved the engineering first light! We PFS project have carried out the on-telescope tests since Metrology Camera System was delivered to Subaru Telescope in 2018. In particular, we started engineering… Read more »

Engineering Observation in November 2021

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Two months after on-telescope test by integrating subsystems, we had another engineering observation (engineering run) on three nights in November 2021. In this article, we’re going to tell a story about our work around the engineering nights. Although we made big progresses in fiber configuration etc. during the September run, we also found a couple of major issues on Prime… Read more »

The first on-telescope test integrating all the delivered subsystems

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We PFS project met a big milestone in September 2021. We finally carried out on-telescope test integrating the subsystems Prime Focus Instrument, Spectrograph Module 1, Fiber Cable System 1, and Metrology Camera System!! PFS instrument consists of four major subsystems: Prime Focus Instrument (PFI) on the prime focus of Subaru Telescope, Metrology Camera System (MCS) on Cassegrain Focus, four identical… Read more »

2nd On-Telescope Test of Metrology Camera System

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Last year Metrology Camera System (MCS) was shipped to Subaru Telescope of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, in Hawaii. After onsite integration and test, we installed MCS to the telescope and carried out optical alignment and on-telescope performance tests in June and October 2018. (See this for details)  MCS is installed to the Cassegrain focus at the bottom of the… Read more »

On-telescope Test of the Metrology Camera System

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From 23rd to 25th October 2018, or 4 months after Metrology Camera System (MCS) was tested on Subaru telescope, we have finally carried out 2nd test of MCS on the Subaru telescope. Since we used the telescope at night this time, this is the first engineering run with PFS instrument! MCS is the instrument to measure the positions of the… Read more »